All right, so we’re picking up another podcast this week with advanced commercial systems and I believe we want to pick up right where we left off last week with our podcast where we were talking about a lot of the different aspects of TPO and we were talking about when we stopped the podcast. Oh by the way, hey, how are you today? This is Marty Grisham, owner and founder of advanced commercial systems here in commercial roofing broken arrow. So what we were talking about at the end of the podcast last week we recovering UV rays, the reflectivity ability of of Tpo, which is the thermos thermoplastic, which is a thermo polyolefin. TPO is a great plastic single ply membrane that sits up on roofs. We covered the UV radiant, a ability for it to be able to reflect UV, which brings in you really a lot better cooling costs, better energy costs for you.
And then you know, especially in the summertime obviously. And then we covered some other aspects of TPO, but the one that we were talking about at the time was actually mechanically fastening TPO. And one of the aspects of TPO is that it is capable of being, uh, being installed. Uh, more than one way. There’s multiple ways to install. One of which is which what we were talking about is called mechanically fastened TPO. That’s where we put plates and screws and we screw in through the entire roof decking roof assembly. And as we do that, then we were talking about how we can do a pool test. So we need lot of times 275 to 325 pounds of pressure per screw, especially around the outer perimeter of a roof. And then the very last thing that we ended the podcast with as we were talking about how wind will blow into the top of the building, you know, a straight line for swing on the side of the building.
And when it hits the top of the building, it will roll over the top of the building. Some of the wind will be pushed up and over now understand it, it’d be pushed, some wins being pushed down, some being pushed to the side. So literally when I say it’s pushed, it’s being forced up and over the top of the wall and it’s being forced on to the roofing plane. When that forest takes place, it comes up and over with a driving up for us and it creates something called Lyft. Lyft is a wind force where when creates a negative, a negative barrier below it, as it’s moving out and a way it creates a pull up in a negative, a negative pressure actually, uh, below it because of how the wind is moving forward. So here in commercial roofing, broken Arab, when that takes place, that’s the same type of lift that we see in an airplane.
How to planes fly? How do you see this big jumbo jet, this seven 47. And you know, if you ever go to the airport, you ever fly on an airplane? Do you ever look out the window? You’re thinking yourself basically wind going up and over and below that wing. If somehow keep me in the air. Well, it’s keeping you in the air because of something called lift. Lift, uh, creates a negative pressure on the top of the wing, which causes the wing to be literally sucked up. So it’s not that the wings are just at an angle and they’re catching in their live working like a glider. Planes will not fly like a glider. They have to have lift created in the wing to where there is a negative pressure, a lack of pressure, lack of air above the wing, which causes the wing to be sucked up.
And they said the wing is sucked up. It creates the plane, the rise and that’s lift. Well that’s the same thing we see happen here. Commercial roofing broken Arrow when when it goes over the top of a wall, especially a higher purpose wall and the top of a building, when it goes over that wall and it begins to plain out flat along with the roof, it will suck that roof up. And so I’m covering all of this to share with you that we, when we put Ma mechanically, uh, adhered or mechanically fashioned TPO roofs down, we need a pool. We need some good strength with that screw in that plate system that it reaches into the decking. It goes through the decking about three quarter to one inch, which needs to go through and have quite a few threads go through that decking. And then we need to be able to attach that to make sure we have a good pool strength.
And so there are machines or just basically hand machines that we can put and we can pull on that get two guys on each side. Each one I’m pick up about 150 pounds and they can see that we can pull up to 300 pounds. Um, or maybe one guy that can pick up 300 pounds, I don’t know. And so that’s basically here in commercial roofing, broken air. That’s basically what we do to make sure that specially around the outside perimeter of the building, the outside perimeter of the roof. And you know, uh, you know, the outside edge, that first five to 10 feet really the first five feet. And then also in the corners, the corners of roofs are really what gets the most, uh, the most lift and the most damaged. And so these corners of roofs, they specifically, like I was on one the other day, it was pretty shocking, uh, over in toll, so not too far from commercial roofing broken arrow.
And when I was over there, we were looking at the roof and inspecting it. It’s called the, I think it might be called the international tower. And so we’re over there checking it out and seeing where there’s some, actually we need to do another repair over there. We just got a call a few days ago. And so we were checking out and literally in the corner of the building, it’s got an aggregate roof mean he’s got gravel on top. It’s a ballast or oh, said aggregate roof is aggregators of a fancy name for gravel or different, uh, you know, stones that had been smoothed over time through flowing water or something, you know, just basically gravel. And so the gravel had been completely displaced, meaning removed every single pebble for about 10 square feet, right at just a corner. It had been pushed back six or eight inches high.
Absolutely astounding how that when came over and created such a force and it just pushed that gravel and drove that gravel back into a pile. The two corners of the roof that we were standing had that happening. It was completely amazing. And so we’ve got to go back over to that corner and got to spread that gravel out. Got To make sure you know that the built up roof below it is getting the gravel protection and the ballast protect. I’m sorry. Yeah. The uh, the aggregate protection, the way it was specifically designed in the beginning, no. So here were the vast commercial systems home with a roof nerves. We do a lot with TPO roofs. We are professionals and the installation and repair of TPO roof. Uh, right now, literally the Tolson Housing Authority has us at one of their apartment complexes. They have 11 apartment buildings with six roofs on each building.
And so 11 apartment buildings that we’re doing. Estimates for right now. And so with six roofs on each building, we have literally 66 roofs right now that we’re doing estimates for. Now, one half of these is TPO, flat TPO roofs, and the other half are shingle roofs. So these TPO roof, um, you know, they’re a great product if installed correctly, but that’s the problem. And then challenge the roofs I’m looking at over there at the Tulsa housing, you know, they’re not very old, there’s still a lot of life left in the roof, so they’re really not that older root of a roof. And when you’re looking at him, you’re, you get pretty shocked at how you see people are just wrongly installing things, things are not being installed correctly and that’s creating and causing problems that we should have never had here at advanced commercial systems.
We are professionals at the installation and the repair of TPO, single ply thermoplastic membranes. If you ever need anything from us, I’m going to tell you real quickly how to get ahold to us. One is you can go to our website, www dot. Okay. Roof You go to our website. You can see what we’re doing. You can see what we’re about and you can see the jobs. Uh, I love this point. People to our Facebook page as well because our Facebook page, we’re literally posting jobs all the time on the Facebook page that we’re doing. I saw someone at the other day at Church and he said, man, you guys are so busy. I said, well, you know, we just, we’re staying steady for sure. We have jobs coming in every single day and we’re having to produce a lot of jobs and get a lot of jobs done.
And I said, but why do you say that? He said, all man, I saw you on Facebook and I’ve just saw, you know, in commercial roofing, broken Arrow was how many roofs you were doing all the time. So it’s really pretty amazing. Uh, just how social media and our website is being looked at. And we can see the number of views that we’re having every day, every week, every month, every quarter. And it really is amazing the number of traffic and the number of people who are just encouraged to give us a shout from our website and from our Facebook page. And so here at advanced commercial systems, uh, the best way to reach us, go to our website at [inaudible] dot com go to that side and go to the very top and you can call us on the 800 or I’m sorry it’s not 800 number, it’s the local number (918) 973-1010.
You can give us a call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now don’t call us just a testis. Don’t call us at two 30 in the morning and just to see if we answer. But Hey, give us a call if you have an emergency, give us a call if you need something. And honestly if you just need a normal roof inspection, don’t give us a call in the morning and either give us a call during the normal work, the normal work hours between eight and five or eight probably eight and eight honestly cause we do work late into the evenings many time, but hey, give us a call and then the next best way to get ahold to us here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow is specifically go to where it says on our website schedule now where it says schedule now click on that, fill out the information on the page that comes up and shoot that our way.
We’ll be contacting you really soon with just a few questions. We want to locate what’s going on with your roof. We want to ask you some of the history of your roof. We would ask you what kind of leaks, how important are they? How much of an emergency are they? These are the things that we look at every day here in commercial roofing, broken air with advanced commercial systems, home of the roof, nerves, our number’s (918) 973-1010. Once again, thanks for joining us for another podcast today. We really appreciate all you guys join in with this all the time. All the amazing amounts of feedback and things were getting back. It’s really great to be a part of the broken Arrow toll, so community.
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