Welcome again today for another wonderful podcast with advanced commercial systems home with a roof nurse here at advanced commercial systems are our slogan. What we always say is one specific thing. It’s not rocket science, it’s real science. Someone asks me a while back, so you call yourself roof nerds? I said, yes. Well, so what’s up with the rocket science route sides? And I said, well basically there’s tons of science that goes behind what we do in rocket in, in, in roofing. A commercial roofing is very technical. It is very complex and there’s a lot of different chemical compositions and things that we use when we install, where we come and do repairs or different things. With commercial roofing, you know, there are a lot of different chemicals that are a lot of different things that can happen on roofs. Like you can get animal fat out on a restaurant roof that gets on a TPO roof.
I was on one just the other day. Um, I was on a Mexican restaurant at 81st and Sheridan and I tell you the, the roof was completely beginning to decay. The TPO membrane was beginning to eat up because chemically the animal fat was eating right through the TPO. It was unable to withstand, um, you know, just the chemical composition of what it was having to deal with. It was unable to. Now I can sit there. That same TPO membrane can sit there in UV from the Sun for 15, 20 years and not have an issue. It’s slowly, it’s beginning to decay. They say losing around from two to 3% of its layer every year. And so you can see you have about a 40% top of your TPO membrane. About 40% of that membrane is going to be the upper upper waterproofing TPO, the polyolefin part of the roof.
And then, um, so you either way 30% of that, then you begin to see that how it can last a good 15 to 20 years. And that’s some of the science of what we do and how we put together, you know, uh, what we do here with advanced commercial systems. But here today in commercial roofing, broken air, we’re specifically going to talk about built up roofing here in advanced commercial systems, home of the roof, nerds, we love to share with you the different types of roofing that there are now. A lot of you listeners out there, yeah, I assure you, you have seen or been owned or maybe even own a, built a roof built up roofs. I’ve been around for probably close to a hundred years and we probably over a hundred years these roofs, um, different than the single ply. They are a multi ply multilayer of Benjamin.
Um, that is provided with the redundancy of protection because they’re, they’re laid up on each other and then they’re adhere to each other and it’s a very sound, very durable, very strong roof. And it can last a long time if it’s installed correctly. It’s easy to repair. It’s easy to find. It’s, it’s sometimes it’s not necessarily too easy to find leaking areas. Um, sometimes, uh, they, they can be pretty tricky to see depending on the slope of the roof and what type of roofing system you have. So, so when you, when it comes to um, reliable waterproof membrane, we’re talking about built up roofing, uh, because of the thickness of what you’re putting down there. It is really a great product that is, like I say, I’ve been over round for over a hundred years and we fabricated right there in the field because we lay layers of determine with reinforcing felts and we alternate the bitumen and reinforcing felts to create a built up roof.
So it is exactly what the name says here in commercial roofing broken Arrow, a built up roof is we build it up as we lay these different alternating layers of felt and Benjamin and many times what we still do is we use tar and we uh, many times that’s what we still using the process is we’ll use a hot tar and we layer that, mop that on and we create a lot of times what some people call a tar and gravel roof. Now you don’t have to necessarily have the gravel on top. I prefer when we don’t have the gravel on top of the gravel works really well and what it does over time because it does protect UV in different other elements from the roofing system. But overall in commercial roofing broken Arrow, it’s much easier for us to work on and find issues with tar and gravel.
Reus the gravel roof, the gravel ballast is, is easier to work with. So built up systems and those redundant layers were redundant layers of just overlaying over lane. Uh, it is great for resistant to water and it is really great for resistance to types of weather. Um, we use some companies like no there, there’s one company that we purchase our materials from called John Mansfield. John Mansfield has been doing built up roofing. Now if you receive the word the letter B, you are built up roofing. That’s what [inaudible] stands for, be. You are the John Mansfield has been doing those types of roofs for over 150 years. That’s a really good time. I mean, just think 150 years they’ve been doing those specific roofs. And so, uh, so there they offer a complete line of fiberglass felts and other types of plies and bass fills that are needed. And even the, the mineral cap sheet that as many times needed to cap off at the very top of the built up roofing.
Um, so we’re really talking about an asphalt roof or some converse, say a coal tar or cold adhesive cold applied it. He said that’s basically the three types of built or Bruce that you see once again, asphalt, coal, tar or cold plight adhesive cold plied him, he said just the name of it. It lets you know that we’re not using hot tar to apply them. Now the asphalt and car and cold tar, they’re heated up with um, in a kettle and then we marked that on. Or sometimes we could use a mechanical sprayer, but I’ve always just had it mopped on. I just think there’s more, uh, it’s safer to me, it’s more sustainability for what you’re being able to do. And so now, but the cold plied cold applied adhesives in commercial roofing broken Arrow, they don’t have to be heated up and you can apply that, those adhesives because they’re solvent-based based asphalts so there’s always options for built up roof surfing’s surfacings.
Um, once again, aggregate like a slag, um, mineral ground rules. We use those a lot when needed and seems in different areas. And then gravel, you know, so as, as well as far as fiberglass, a cap sheet that could be put on. So as far as the, the roof surfacing, the top covering, you can gravel minerals or a mineral granuals slag or glass fiber mineral cap sheets. And so in that basically you can put a mod bit cap sheet. So what we’re saying here, you put a mod bid cap sheet, own these asphalt roofs, and really have an extremely long term great product that lasts a long time. So here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, when we mop on an entire surface with hot asphalt, those are easy to fix and those are easy to find leaks. So those are some of the reasons why we really prefer here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow to use.
Now what some of the advantages does this list some of the advantages of this roofing system. Um, they can withstand tons of foot traffic. Now that’s something I deal with every day. That’s something I find trip to foot traffic areas that are being deteriorated there, having holes in them, stuff like that. So this is a big point to what you may want with your roof as you understand that there’s some foot traffic going to be up there. This could be the route that you want to go. Um, another thing is when you just look at the proven history of this product over a hundred years in this country alone, this product has been a top choice for many businesses throughout the world. So, uh, just it’s proven history and sustainability is, is second to none and could no other roofing system can say that, you know, as far as, as much as it’s been used and for the length of time, um, these systems are basically continually known to be easy to repair.
So when it’s easy to repair, then that roofing system is going to have a top choice with us contractors because if we can repair it, we can install it and we can repair it. And if it’s an easy repair, meaning now when I say easy, not meaning that we’re looking for an easy job, meaning that we can use multiple types of products needed for if it’s a pond scenario, what’s going on, it offers us multiple types of products that we can use that ways there’s some versatility in the pricing that we can bring you. So that’s the easy we’re talking about here here in commercial roofing, broken era with advanced commercial systems, home of the roof nerds. We’re trying to endeavor to bring you good pricing to make it affordable and the best for you as well. Once again, we had the multiple layers, the redundancy protection of just more triple layers put on there.
That is creating an extremely durable roof. So that’s one of the advantages and our last advantages, uh, you can coat it with paint or other types in reflective materials where you can receive the effects of the increased UV radiation so you can radiate the heat and the UV rays away from the roof and creating a better cooling heating cost for the building owner, business owner or whoever is with the building. So, so these are the advantages of a built up roof. We appreciate you guys joining in with us today for another podcast here in commercial roofing, broken arrow. We really appreciate all of you people, uh, all, all the people in the Greater Tulsa area, all of the people in, you know, our clients and even some future class. We believe in the broken Arrow, a Coweta, a Waso Sky, took sand springs Glen Pool, um, Katusa Claremore Bixby Jenks we had broken Arrow, commercial roofing, broken arrow. We really appreciate all the feedback and all the, you know, I know La Wagner, all the feedback that we’re getting from the wonderful communities that we interact with and that we live in. Once again, we thank you for joining in with us. It’s not rocket science. It’s roof science and stay dry.
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