Hey everybody. It’s Marty here with advanced commercial systems. Again, I am the owner and founder of one of the most wonderful commercial roofing companies here in Tulsa. We endeavor to do our best to educate the public and really to just work with property managers, building owners, maintenance systems, maintenance men, lack CVRE, bower and associates, a lot of the big names, uh, Cushman and Wallman. We, we really endeavor to work with a lot of these guys to make there a seamless process for them to manage their own commercial roofing systems. So with that being said, we want to begin to cover a little bit more of some of the systems that we have in our commercial roofing processes. Uh, one of which is the 30 point checklist. Now if you go to our website, you’ll see on multiple places, our website is okay, roof nerds.com. We are right over here in Tulsa, in good old commercial roofing broken arrow.
And so when you go to our website, you’ll see that there’s a lot of different areas that talks about scheduling a roof appointment or a roof, a valuation. Now, I love to use the word evaluation because a lot of times really I don’t want only people that need a roof or have a leak to give me a problem to give me a call. Um, I don’t want won’t only roofing problems. I want property managers and I want building owners that don’t know much about their commercial roofing system to give us a call so that we can come do just a free inspection, a free evaluation so that we can educate them and help them know. Um, you know, let’s say you’ve got a new business has been going for four or five years. You’ve just bought a building, you bought a building when you started the business and you’re starting to make pretty good money and you’re trying to figure out what to do with your money.
And you know, the roofing system wasn’t brand new. We can come out and we can evaluate for you how much life is left in the system. So you might have five years of life left, you know, as far as the lifespan in the roofing system that you have here in Tulsa, you know, sand springs, Jenks, Awaso, Glen Pool or you know, commercial roofing broken arrow. So you might have five years of life left. Well, with that five years we will sit down and share with you, you know, kind of, uh, uh, preventive maintenance, smart plan over these next five years is not very costly. We just manage and take care of any problematic areas. And then we can give you some numbers around the fourth year or even at this time, five years in advance of what your roofing system, you know, if we do a recover or full roof replacement, we can give you some numbers.
It helps you, uh, begin to budget five years in advance. Now, that’s what off very smart property managers are doing. That is what very businessman doing. Some people just shooting from the hip and just coming up with it when they can. But I’ll tell you, budgeting is one of the largest and most successful parts of these business, these businesses and these corporations, uh, having it in place where they have it set up in front of their board members, they have it all approved foreign advance. So that’s the things that we help you guys do here in commercial roofing, broken arrow. And so right now let’s go over just some of the, uh, you know, some of the different aspects of commercial roofing. Now let me share with you what a s t e m is. Um, you know, when you get into commercial roofing, uh, you get into what’s called the American Society for testing and materials.
Now that’s an organization that specifically been put together that develops and publishes voluntary standards like consensus standards and, and they also put together many of the test methods, um, for the specifications for a large different variety of materials. A and s within the AST m, the a LSTM international, which is the, the American Society for testing and materials, um, and commercial roofing and also residential roofing fall. Within those standards. We have standards for, you know, the drip edge that we use. We have standards for the type of decking. We have standards in commercial roofing, broken Arrow because of the international standards by a STM. We have standards for shingled thicknesses. We have standards for where, where nails go, how many nails. If the has a steep slope roof, how many nails. Now that’s for shingled and steep slope roofing. For flat roofing. We have standards for almost every aspect, you know, like insulation, um, substrates what products can work well together so that you’re making a complete roofing system, not just putting a layer on, but you’re actually creating and piecing together a systematic roofing system that works well together and creates a water tight membrane for long term.
Well, the HTM, that’s what these guys do. They set up tons of standards that specifically tells us what we have to do. Um, as far as code is concerned. So, so the international building code we follow and adhere to much of what they say. And then also here, like in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, we do a lot to also follow the local code. So let me say like I was having the issue the other day with a residential roof that we were doing and the insurance adjusters said, well, you need to find code, you need to find code for, you know, the drip edge and you need to find code, um, you know, for the drip edge flashing for their home. And then you also need to find code for the ice and water shield and valleys. So I had to spend some time researching it already, kind of knew what the answers were, but I wanted to copy and paste what the code was, email it to those insurance adjusters so that they would know specifically that we know the code.
And so, and then right after that roof, we did a commercial roof, a commercial, what was it, about 75 80 squares of a full roof replacement. That’s where we took the entire roof off. We’ve put all new, um, new installation. Now the code was a required by the insurance company policy to bring the r value of the commercial flat roof back up to code, not international code, but it was required to meet the broken area code of the city, broken air. So broken air puts together their own code. Now it might be just that of adopting the international code of the IBC International Building Code of the 2015 book, which is the latest model. That’s the latest version that’s come out. And so what I had to do was go research, did I need 20 or 21 or 25 what are value of insulation in ISO board was required for that specific building.
So I pieced together some fiberboard piece together, some insulation, and we came up with three and a half inches of ISO board and some fiber board included that came up with the code that needed to be met. And so when we met that 2021 our value, we shouldn’t that information through email, back to the insurance adjuster, he approved it and then paid another 2020 $5,000 so that code could be met for that specific building. C in the insurance policy there was what was called a code upgrade clause now, so that’s a really good clause. It makes the insurance responsible for the code upgrades. So if they required them to do code upgrades and the insurance company wasn’t going to pay for that, the building owner would have had to pay 20 to $25,000 of code of grades out of their own pocket because they were still required the code.
So what we did is we prove to the insurance company what the code was and they said, well, according to the upgrade clause here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, because that’s where we did the job here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, the code of grade was required. So they covered it. So we got done with that job. While the check was larger, we got a lot more work done, a lot more of a quality roof where we’re bringing now this 20 our value. So they’re there. Roof has got tons of insulation, allowing them to have a lot more energy savings throughout the year. When the sun goes beaten down and it gets 160 degrees up on that roof, you’re going to have the reflective of the reflective energy efficiency of the TPO membrane and then you’re going to have a 21 our value is come to continually keep the cost of the heating and cooling to that building down.
So, so those are the things that we do here at advanced systems because of the systems that we know because of inherent commercial, you know, commercial roofing broken Arrow studying code, studying IBC 2015 the international building code of 2015 studying commercial roofing and literally many times getting on the phone on the phone with local, I’m not just insurance adjusters, but the local code inspectors. So here in broken Arrow here in Tulsa Jenks every city has their own inspectors and they know their building code for their city. Many times we’re on the phone with those guys seeing what is it specifically they say
for their building and for their, you know, their CDs requirements. They follow IBC code sometimes ago, baths, commercial systems.
That’s what we do every single day for our clients. And that’s what we do to help them have the best that they can for the money that they have. So we appreciate you guys tuning in. Again today here at advanced commercial systems. It is an honor every week, week after week now for many, many weeks bringing you the latest and highest quality products and development and the just the basic knowledge of commercial roofing systems and so and so if you need anything, you know, you can always give us a call here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow or Tulsa or genx or sand springs or Coweta, Awaso Bixby. It doesn’t matter. You can be as far as Henrietta, you know, Okmulgee, Muskogee, we don’t care. You can give us a call at (918) 973-1010 and we will help you and we will help you do two things. Understand that it’s not rocket science, it’s real science, and we will help you to stay dry.
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