Today, we are having another advanced commercial systems posting of our podcast here. Today. We are having weak number 94. And so with this we have had a 93 podcasts before this in which we discuss commercial roofing and we discuss all types of roofing systems, you know, years ago when I got in commercial roofing. Uh, by the way, this is Marty, the owner and founder of advanced commercial systems and I am the chief roof nerds of the roof nerds. And so years ago when we got in roofing, uh, when we got into commercial roofing specifically, I, I began to see pretty quickly people always talked about, you know, the roof and, and you know, different kinds of the roof and residential really is just a roof to me. But when it comes to commercial, it’s more than a roof. It’s a roof system. So commercial roofing, to me as specifically been learning and developing the skill of the practice, the engineering to say, uh, of many different types of commercial roofing products.
You know, products are coming out every three months, every six months, every 12 months for different types of HD fiber boards for different types of flex deck for different types of concrete. I mean, you know, there’s, there’s different types of concrete decking and so there’s so many different types of products coming out and especially the substrates and base products and stuff for commercial flat roof that you really have to stay on top of what you’re doing in commercial roofing broken arrow. And so here at advanced commercial systems, and we’re continually studying it now we are the roof nerds, we are the roof nerds in the whole country. We proclaim that to be so in, in, in doing so we definitely are considered ourselves. What a nerd means to be an expert in a technical, a specific field. So when you define a nerd, that’s literally what it means.
Well, we’re roof nerves, which means we’re where specific experts in the technical field of commercial roofing. So we are passionate about it every single day we live and breathe it and eat it. Oh, not not specifically eating commercial roofs, but we do talk about it while we’re eating. So it’s just like eating it. So here at advanced commercial systems, we in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, we want to talk today about some specific topics about commercial roofing and some specific things about it that we do and some of the different things that are available to you. But before we go any further, let me name some of the clients that we have worked with. You know, there’s nothing like reviews from clients. There’s nothing like a snow in the clients that we work with right now we’re working with dollar general, a chewies, Walgreens farmers, Oklahoma state, uh, university medical centers, um, VSA and sports Maggio’s.
Uh, the list goes on and on, uh, acupuncture, hospitals, um, the Christian schools, public schools. The list goes on and on for those that we’ve worked with and those were continually working with. And so I just wanted to share that with you specifically because when you hear of, you know, those are corporations, the majority of those, like I know kindercare specifically has 1400 buildings in the u s for what they do, not just in commercial roofing, broken Arrow in broken arrow. They only had one building. We have about three and Tulsa. They had one in a Waso. Um, and they have some in Yukon, some and Edmond, some, uh, and Norman and someone Okc, some in Midwest city, some in Mustang. So we take care of all of the roofing for all of those buildings. So I can tell you their systems, what they do working with us contractors is complex.
I mean they require very high level insurance from us. Um, what do you think Walgreen’s does? What do you think a Osu medicine you does, what do you think restaurants like Chili’s and like Cheddar’s? Um, I’ve tried Fridays. Well we’ve worked with a lot of these different restaurants. Uh, I hop, we’ve worked with these restaurants and they require specifics from us. They sometimes is above and beyond the norm. I know just a few years ago that kindercare specifically was requiring us to get over a million insurance just on our truck vehicles. And so the trucks that we have, our roof nerd trucks are advanced commercial systems trucks that we have here in commercial roofing, broken arrow. We had to go get a and really up the up the game for our insurance just on our trucking because they just, you know, they, they have requirements nationwide. And so what’s so when, so I’m sharing this with you to let you know that if you have a building, if you have a project you would like us to look at, absolutely know that coming in the gate we are meeting corporate requirements of big industry across the nation.
If there needs to be bonding, if there needs to be anything that you know, that we need to meet. Uh, as far as, you know, providing the best level of protection, quality, safety for you, uh, even getting the best products. We would always get really good pricing. When I do pricing from my, from my jobs, uh, we work with multiple competitors, multiple suppliers that our competitors, and we don’t necessarily play them against each other, but we spend a lot of time working with them to get some really good pricing, probably some of the base best in the, in the Greater Tulsa area. Um, because we just about relationship, you know, so we endeavored to have a great relationship with our suppliers in commercial roofing broken Arrow, and we also endeavored, had a great relationship with all of our clients, anywhere from chewies to Walgreen’s to Maggio’s pizza.
Actually, I was supposed to be on the [inaudible] pizza Jesse yesterday, but, uh, everything got caught up with the ball game I went to. So we’re actually going tomorrow morning we’re going to be stepping on Matteo’s pizza and doing repairs and looking at possibly a, uh, potentially a roof replacement on that roof. So yeah. So there’s always a lot going on with this. We are always doing numbers and this, this whole industry is about numbers. How much insulation do you need? How many inches, how many numbers, what’s the price? You know, how many squares are there, how many a thousand square feet are there, how much materials to purchase? There’s a lot to the numbers game of this. Even on the profitability side, the overhead side, there’s always a lot to the numbers of this industry. I’ve always been excellent math, excellent and, uh, different types of Algebra and trigonometry. So it’s worked really well for us in our business to grow and expand and not really have a deficit in the growth area of our accounting and different things along that line.
So it’s worked out really well for us that a, we’re basically nerds, so, so it works out really good for us. Um, specifically here in a commercial roofing, broken Arrow, you know, there’s quite a few different types of buildings that we weren’t gone, uh, like shopping centers, retail outlets, a lot of those, right? I worked on so many of those office buildings, industrial parks and industrial plants, churches, schools. Just worked on a Christian school the other day and did a thousands and thousands of dollars of repairs to that building. Uh, actually going back to another one tomorrow morning around nine 30, uh, medical facilities, sports complexes and manufacturing facilities. So this is our 94th podcast, 94 weeks in a row. Uh, you may have heard me three or four times over. These podcasts mentioned these different types of systems, these different types of buildings. Uh, that we do work too. We just finished an auto center.
We just worked on an auto trading center also where a lot of different auto in and also we work with an auto glass company, do a lot with those guys. So, but roof replacement and reroofing, those are two topics that there’s always a lot of questions about because it really comes down many times. You know, you just, your average size, you know, 60 to 120 square building. Um, there’s a big difference between roof replacement and reroofing. Uh, we want to offer both options to you depending, but share with you the good, bad and the ugly because basically if we can do a reroofing job for you in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, and it’d be 15,000 less than a full roof replacement. And you’re still achieving the same, uh, our value because of installation above deck in installation. Uh, it’s a great idea to just go ahead and do the reroofing and save the money because at the end of the day, the roof’s gonna going to next need to be addressed when that upper membrane begins to fail, when it’s lived its lifespan, if there’s not a restoration process done too, you know, like a coding to prolong the life of that lifespan.
If there that’s not being done and then you’re looking at, then you can go on then and do a roof replacement, which is more costly. So, so here at advanced commercial system, you can always check us out on our website. At the top of our webpage, you can see our phone number. It is (918) 973-1010. Uh, we want to make sure that you and your family, you and your business, you and those that you care for those employees that work inside your business. We want to make sure that your business stays intact, that that we’re solving the issues. It’s causing you to have less stress. I’ll s you, you can’t pay for less stress, but I tell you, you can hire a contractor that will allow you to have less stress. And that’s what we endeavor to do here at advanced commercial systems, home with a roof, nerds in commercial roofing, broken arrow.
You know, we’re passionate about being your one stop shop, uh, here and Coweta Tulsa Broken Arrow, jinx. Awaso Claire, more Katusa, a SAPULPA sand springs Bixby. Um, it doesn’t matter. Haskell, we just recently did a roof and Haskell, a full roof replacement in Haskell. Ah, it doesn’t matter where you are in this whole Greater Tulsa area in the northeast Arkansas. We’ll go out to grand lake, we’ll go out to Muskogee, we’ll go to Okmulgee. Uh, it doesn’t really matter. We’ll go wherever you need and give you really the best quality service, um, at the, at the best price that we can get that too. So give us a call. Thanks for joining in today to two large are 94th podcast today. Thanks for joining in with us. Give us a call and you get a chance to (918) 973-1010. Check us out on the web at okay. Roof and also always, uh, you can send me personally an email at advanced. Okay. At we appreciate you so much. Once again, it’s not rocket science, roof science, and in commercial roofing broken Arrow, we ask for you to stay dry.
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