Well, today’s another wonderful day. Here are the vast commercial systems home with a roof nerves. And today we just wanted to talk with you some about commercial roofing and being able to increase your commercial roofing Iq. And so what does it mean to Incruse commercial roofing Iq? I remember years ago Robert Kiyosaki came up with a book that said that, you know, was titled and Talk About Increasing, you know, your financial Iq. Then when you can increase your financial Iq, you increase your potential for having more earned income or more, you know, recessive income. So being able to have more income was strictly tied in to being able to have better terminology, better Iq concerning financial terms. And so today one of the things I always love to do is talk about increasing, you know, the commercial Iq of our listeners, the commercial roofing Iq, and also to increase the commercial roofing Iq of just everyone that we interact with as far as our clients are concerned.
And so today we just want to go through some of the terminology that we use every single day, um, in the industry and really tried to help people understand more about commercial roofing and residential roofing. Here in commercial roofing broken arrow. There is a one, one terminology which I love to talk about is called a seller rating weathering. Uh, so let me define what exactly it is and we’ll talk about it. Some, uh, celebrated weathering is a process in which materials, uh, within time being exposed but doing so, uh, to weather but doing so in a controlled environment. So, uh, exposing with heat, water, condensation and even a light because we want a UV to have a part to play as well because in the real world it is, and this will alter the effects of the membrane or the roofing system. And thereby this will increase or accelerate the process of the weathering, the weathering process.
And so they calls is the product that is being tested. Um, the physical properties, we’re able to measure those and we’ll be able to measure the process. Uh, and so we can compare the original properties of an unexposed product, a membrane or material. We can compare that to the product after it has been exposed to this s accelerated weathering. Now this takes place a lot with, oh, well there’s one company that I’ve, I’m very familiar with. Uh, hey, engineering is an engineering company that has done a lot with testing, the exposing of UV lights, wind, hail, um, water, done a lot with testing with UV rays. Um, to see how long membranes last to see, you know, cause 30, 35 years ago when the TPO product was beginning to really start be being seen on the market. Um, you know, the Polyolefin, um, when that product being again to come out and there was extensive testing that started on every level to really begin because I mean, you’re creating a product, you’re trying to give it a 15, 20 year warranty, but it’s a brand new product.
You did not know how long it’s going to last. So there had been machines created call an accelerating weathering machines and you put the product in that machine and it increases wind. It increases, especially UV and a lots of light and a whole lot of heat. And in doing so over a quick period of time, you’re trying to get a good idea in commercial roofing broken Arrow, if the, if the accelerated process of the weathering for that membrane is going to age it and calls it to begin to fail or deteriorate. Um, so that is a large part of what we do in the industry is we want to make sure that the products we use are not, you know, going to deteriorate too quickly. If we give a 15, 20, 25 30 year warranty for a single plot, we don’t want to make sure that it’s actually going to last that long.
Now the warranties on those, when I say those kinds of numbers, those are manufacturer warranties where they’re saying the product’s going to last that long. And it’s, it’s able to withstand weather, Sun, wind, heat, all the different things that comes his way. It’s able to withstand those over a dramatic period of time. Um, so we’re trying to age them quickly and machines to make sure through accelerated weathering. So that’s what accelerated weathering is about. And now another one want to talk about in the eight category is the architectural shingle, um, architectural shingle as a shingle that is, has a dimensional appearance. It is layered and it’s not perfectly squared off like in, in um, rectangles. So when you see a really straight lines and and the small um, 12 inch wide, five and a half inch tall rectangles on a roof, you’re looking at three tab shingle and that is the opposite of the architectural shingle.
Many a times this is called architectural shingle, it’s called a laminate shingle because the different laminates and layers on the shingle. And so these are four stoops, low pay, low slope roofing in a commercial roofing, broken arrow. Another product that we’re terminology we talk about fairly often and we see it more and more depending on the different types of roof systems we use is called a cant strip. Once again, a cant strip a cant strip is a beveled or triangular piece of wood. It’s like triangular shaped a strip of, or it can be made out of wood fiber, you know, another material design. It can be amount of plastic per light, it can be out of different things. It’s designed to serve as a gradual transitional plane between a flat roof or you know, semi flat horizontal roof and a vertical surface like a parapet wall sticking up.
So a can’t strip basically is creating a gradual turn of a membrane. As that membrane comes from the flat roof and it begins to go up a wall or go up a, uh, some other vertical, um, you know, position. And so that can’t strip creates, um, a gradual turn from that horizontal to vertical so that the product membrane, when I get tracked and have just basic on normal damage, uh, abnormal, sorry, abnormal damage and commercial roofing broken Arrow because it’s not designed to turn such a sharp turn as a 90 degree. And so can’t strips are used. Actually I just did some, uh, some quotes this last week on some can’t strips to get put into four big roofs that we were quoted. And so they’re very common and uh, they’re great for what they do. Another one, another, a terminology we want to talk about today.
He’s a builder proof, but a cold process built up roof here in commercial roofing, broken arrow. We’ve seen more and more, uh, built our, Bruce had been around for 120 to 140 years. And the cold processes has become more popular over the years because you’re getting rid of the whole hot car process. And so a cold process built up roof is a semi flexible roof membrane and now keep in mind is continuous and has applies of continual layers of plies and felts, sometimes a fiberglass belts and sometimes with mats and other types of reinforcement fabrics. And they’re put together layer by layer, kind of like a laminating them together. And like you would almost do a sheet of plywood and then you use a cold process, liquid applied solvent, um, asphalt solvent-based roof cement to put these layers together in this laminate for him. And when you do this, you install it, um, you know, at ambient or slightly elevated temperatures.
So you want, you want a good process of the heat, you want there to be a good temperature that day. You don’t want to do it in the cold weather, it doesn’t, it will not apply, would not work well. And so within all that we do here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, the cold process is something that we do. Um, probably a lot less than every other roof except for architectural. I may have stuff where I’m standing seam roofs. Um, but we, we love built up roofs. We work with a lot of belt built up roofs, but we find more and more that our clients, whether they have a mod bit or a built up roof are leaning more over to the single applies the thermoplastics, uh, even more than the thermostats. Um, so that’s what’s going on with that. As we were talking about over the next few weeks as we keep talking about more and more different roofing terminology like counter flashing and crickets and you know, curbs and cut off, uh, you know, these different types of things.
Decking, what about deflection? Boeing and sagging. So there are different things that we always want to keep talking about in this industry. They just really bring out more and more terminology for you to understand what’s going on. So here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, it’s been a great pleasure to bring in another podcast today. We have done well over, I don’t know, didn’t enough to close to 200 podcasts that we’ve done week after week after week and just bring you more and more information so that we can truly establish, uh, our supremacy here and the industry of really trying to step up and be the best roofing company that we can with communication, with video, with pictures, with just giving multiple budgetable, uh, estimates so that you can have the best that you can for your roof. Once again, we appreciate you for joining in with us. And keep in mind it’s not rocket science. It’s real science and stay dry.
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