Well, we’re here again and another early morning with another podcast with advanced commercial systems today. Uh, what we want to do today is begin to do kind of like what Robert Kiyosaki said when he began to come out with a book, increasing your financial Iq, what he basically talked about and increasing your financial Iq Iq was the ability for you to learn terminology and that would make you more acceptable and more apt to increase your financers. And so today, concerning commercial roofing, it’s always been a desire of ours to hours to increase your terminology and your, your glossary, a understanding of commercial roofing. And so the first term we want to talk about today is a s, t, e, m, and a that is the acronym for the American Society for testing and measurement. And yes, it is applicable here and commercial roofing broken Arrow as well as well. Um, it is a not for profit organization.
So the American Society for testing and measurement is a nonprofit organization. Uh, it provides a forum for consumers, producers of materials, commercial roofing materials, and then also not just for commercial roofing, but almost in every field of, of technology, well at least construction. And they give him a common ground, uh, level of standards, which are to be met by materials, products and services offered and systems. So that’s basically non for profit, not for profit, American Society for testing and measurement. The next terminology which we’d like to use, um, uh, sometimes is referred to as gravel, but it’s really more defined as aggregate. Aggregate is a crushed stone or a crushed slag or like what we talked about many times a gravel, which is many times a water worn. It’s smooth and rounded because of it’s been in a, in a creek bed or something. And we use it for surfacing the top of the roofing system of built up root can system.
And I could also be surfacing a other types of roofing systems as well. And that’s when we refer to it as a ballasted system. So there’s another terminology for you, ballast or ballasted system. Uh, another term that we talk about here in commercial roofing broken Arrow is that of alligator ing. And so today, once again, we’re just covering some terminology that we use all the time in the commercial roofing industry and this will increase your, uh, um, your commercial roofing Iq. Alligator is when you have a built up roof with a topcoat. Topcoat is who’s basically molten asphalt and they pour it out of a bucket and a mop it down with a large, uh, asphalt, um, commercial grade mop. And so they, they put that top coat is called a top coat. They put that on the top of the, the built up roof system.
And when they do, if they put it too thick and over time it begins to crack it open up and it begins to create a pattern of cracks that they say is similar to that level of lacking. And alligators hide. And so they call it alligator during these cracks. They might not extend through the roofing surface and the surface surfacing Bitterman but, but the definitely calls a problems and it’s, and having your alligator in a, your topcoat flood code too thick is definitely a problem. And so another terminology which we use a lot is we’ve just kind of made reference to it. Is that of asphalt asphalt? Uh, it’s not mine, it’s yours. Uh, the quantity mass or volume and thickness that the materials applied in a certain area is called the application rate. And so asphalt is a dark brown. See mentise black material is created with that of parliaments and Benjamins and it’s basically a obtained in a petroleum process for making it here in commercial roofing.
Broken Arrow, we use this alone. It’s a roofing asphalt. Um, it’s, it’s flat asphalt, steep astrol. There’s a special steep asphalt, there’s different grades. And we basically, I’m normally use just a very standard grade for what we use here in town. So another term that we have to cover today is base sheet. This is many times referred to in that have built up roofing membranes. A base sheet is the fully saturated, when you say saturated, fully saturated with hot molten asphalt, a fully saturated, uh, or coated felt placed, uh, as the first layer or the first ply when you begin to build a built up roof for a new roofing system. Here in commercial roofing, broken era, we’ve built a lot of these. Uh, it’s very common and a, it’s a good system. It’s a good longterm system, has been around for almost 140 years. Uh, next, uh, terminology that we have.
The next a glossary term is Benjamin, B I t you men in commercial roofing broken arrow. There’s terminology is used a lot. It is a class of Amorphous, a black or dark colored cement of substance. And so Benjamin is a often natural or manufactured socialable and carbon and the Lucifer, uh, and the sulfide, uh, you find this in asphalts tars and asphalt lights, pitches and things along that term. And so we use the terminology but in men many times because we’re referring to modified bitumen, which is a, a roll roofing which we love to install a, another term that we’d like to use is that of blind nailing their practice and nailing the back portion of a roofing ply. Uh, we do that in a manner that the fasteners are, um, they’re not exposed to the way that you would think they would be. We tried to, um, caused them to be covered up.
And so it brings us to our next term grooming that brooming in commercial roofing. Broken Arrow is basically when you put on a top layer or a coding a cloth and you move the Broon [inaudible] and you as you move the broom, you’re pushing the, the cough product down into the product, uh, causing it to be smooth, uh, causing the ply that you’re putting down to smooth out and cause it to Ed ed here completely with no bubbles to the, uh, the substrate below it. And then also we have the B you are built up of membranes are continuous, semi flexible, well, so built up roofing membrane. And will you have layers of plies and felts and, and really saturated felt or coded felly felt fabrics and you, you lay those in and it really creates a great longterm roofing. Yeah, product is very well known and very capable of holding water out and having a long live. So it really is a great, a great process.
So another terminology that where you want to talk about today is counter flashing. A counter flashing is a metal or a sheeting. Last Americ cheating that’s been formed are formed metal. Um, and we should cure that, uh, into the wall or the pipe or the rooftop or even the curb area. And so counter flashing, oftentimes we’ve worked with curbings, uh, that’s where we use it the most own curbings or parapet walls. We use that, um, where we can tie it into a wall and sealed the water, seal the top of it, and then we can run a membrane up under that to create a counter flashing to create a termination of the roofing watertight membrane. And so one more terminology for the day. And that is the term cricket. Uh, it is a very small or relatively small, um, you know, an area and elevated area or a roof constructed supportive roof, an elevated area that it’s supposed to divert water.
So here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, we see that a lot on steep steep slope roofs. A lot of times we will build a cricket on the top side of idea she unit just to make sure that the water gets to flow around that unit. It doesn’t create ponding there some who I hope what we’ve been doing today has been some useful to you and had been good. Some good to you hear in commercial roofing, broken arrow. We always are, you know, in, in our phone conversations, in our just day to day business we’re always using all of this terminology and then many more, probably 500, 700 terms that we use continually concerning the commercial roofing and construction industry. Uh, here at commercial roofing, broken Arrow, we, we oftentimes our roof nerves sit down and have big nerd conversations about different types of roofing systems where the normal person wouldn’t really understand what in the world are talking about.
Someone who didn’t have a background in construction or background in commercial roofing systems. And so that’s why sometimes we like to bring out the definitions and share with people the differences of different words and where they come from, what they’re about. When we became not just have it every day to day conversation and we can still, you know, I have some, uh, beyond the same of sane mind of with each other, with what we’re doing. Once again, you can always go to our website. Okay. Roof nerds.com um, up on the top of that website is our phone number (918) 973-1010. We’d love for you to check us out anytime. We’d love for you to come by our office and visit us. Whatever you need. Just remember, it’s not rocket science, it’s roof science and stay dry.
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