Well, thanks for joining us again today with advanced commercial systems. We are the home of the roof nerds and I’m Marty Grisham here with a basketball star systems. Today is our 68th week. So we had been just well over a year here of doing uh, actually 16 weeks over a year of doing a podcast here at our, our radio talk show. And basically a large part of what we do is we just share if her for 10 to 20 minutes just the aspects of commercial roofing and the Greater Tulsa area. You know, a lot of people have, Brent brought a great questions to us and commercial roofing broken Arrow and commercial roofing Tulsa. And so it’s our pretty prevalent pre, it is our privilege and our pleasure to be able to offer, you know, the information that we do. So I’m, in this podcast we’re going to cover four major aspects of commercial roofing that we do every single day.
I’m one of itches roof replacement, the other is roof repair and maintenance. The other is roof emergencies, which that terminology is not always used and not used very often. But I get quite a few emergencies all the time and the other is hell damaged roof repair. So let’s start it with roof replacement. Um, first point I want to bring out to you, it doesn’t matter how old your roof is, um, or how new it is. It’s an in time your roof is eventually going to wear out. Um, so if you, if, if you’ve gotten, if your roof is just gotten too old and it needs to be taken care of, uh, needs to be replaced, we would love for you to give us a call here at advanced commercial systems. We give full three wishing is now a brief evaluation we bring to you exactly the condition of your roof. And we also bring to you what we would do multiple options anywhere from repairing the roof all the way up to maybe reroofing or roof restoration or maybe even just a full roof replacements. So we bring all these options to you so that you, your commercial building, your businesses that are in the building, you know, the property managers and building owners, everyone can find that budget that works the best for them.
Another large aspect of what we do here with advanced commercial systems is that of roof repair and maintenance. You know, your first option is not always getting a new roof. You know, you can get a repair on your roof. Uh, I know, cause I just did two roofs today for repairs. Uh, today, uh, one of my roof nerds and I were up on some roofs at a, at 51st and Mingo, just a little west of 51st and Mingo call the marketplace east and Skyland south, um, business districts. And in, in those buildings there they were, oh gosh, we were on four different buildings. We were doing measuring for a full roof replacement to a very large roof. We were doing a lot different things. We did repairs on two specific roofs. Um, we did some inspections on three other roofs and in the middle of all of that in commercial roof, in broken Arrow, and also they’re at commercial roofing toll.
So we spent quite a bit of time inspecting the roofs for just current damage. Now the majority of the roofs were owned today. Three of the four were metal, our panel roofs. And then there was another, the largest of, of all four of them that was a modified bitumen roof. And so the, the metal roofs really are tricky roofs because there, you know, there’s so many areas in a metal roof, um, that it’s a scene and they have the capability of leaking and they don’t have to look like they had been leaking. There’s screws, they were skylights on the roof. You know, every two feet there’s a screw. And so when you get a large building with, has 20,000 square feet in the building, it just imagine how many thousands of screws her on that roof. Cause every two feet, each direction there’s a screw.
And so what we find is many times, um, because of the expansion of the metal roof with the hot and the cold, the contraction, the retraction, uh, the moving of the metal roof causes those screws to get a lot of tension. And that tension can literally within a period of time, calls that screw to turn and actually pop out. I have seen screws just laying on a roof that no one’s been on and they’ve have just been turned literally until they’ve just popped right out in commercial roofing, broken arrow. And so a large part of that is where we have to come in with different types of cloth and fiber cloth and coatings. We have some silicone fiber eyes, coatings. We have some great products that will last a really long time. But you know, installing the products are applying the products, getting them to adhere correctly.
It can sometimes be a little tricky, especially in ponding areas. One of the aspects of a pawning areas, it really does need to be cleaned well. You might have to power wash it, um, to get some of the silicone coatings and some of the last American coatings to really adhere to the roof surface, the roof membrane, the roof system. And so, um, today we did some roof repairs and basically made some inspection reports for a continual roof maintenance plan for this one company. You know, that we do a lot of work with, um, that has us on, you know, a large one of the larger property management companies in town. And so another aspect of what we do is called roof emergencies. Now, today we were on like the first building a out of the four that we’re going to see today. And while we were on there, we got a call from the property manager, um, that literally has us on these buildings.
And he called and said, hey, a real quickly, can you go check out and you know, the dollar general, I have a dollar general over in sand springs and that guy has got a leak in it, so can you go over and check it out? So, uh, as soon as we were done with the four roofs we were on and you know, doing estimates, doing evaluations, you know, we helped in our roof mobile and uh, ran over to sandy springs and walked in, found the leaking area, got up on the roof. We found where there’s a TPO roof where some gutter guys came in to install some gutter. And when they did that, they took off the termination bar, which holds the termination edge of the TPO roofing system. They completely took that termination bar off of commercial roofing, broken Arrow and laid it to the side and put gutters down.
Well that, you know, that TPO was now just flapping in the wind. I mean, there’s nothing about that that’s, that should be installed that way. It’s so improperly installed. So we’re currently putting together an estimate for the commercial property manager in commercial roofing, broken Arrow and in commercial roofing, Tulsa to go ahead and reapply termination bar so that we can cause, uh, we can stop any calls of water leaking and stuff like that. Now, one of the problems with the system on how they have it right now with no termination bar is there is no water block behind the TPO and the facia edge of the building. So with no water blog, I mean every time you put termination bar we use tons and tons of water block because it is a self adhering. Uh, it’s a great product that we, we put on there and it really doesn’t fully cure.
It always stays nice and moist and gooey. It’s almost like bubble gum but sticky and it just really stays up under the edge of that TPO. And when that termination bar is screwed down every 12 inches or 24 inches, depending on what we want to do, it really sucks that water block in tight and causes there to be met, no leaking. And so it is a great product to use. It is a great product that has to be used on the termination of TPO EPD am not so sure all the time on that. And then also in PVC products. But, so this was a roof in emergency. We’ve had, I mean the back of the building was underwater. We got a call and probably about an hour and a half after our call, we finish what we were doing and immediately went out there. We’re not there. It was almost dark.
We got up on the roof, we assessed, evaluated the situation in commercial roofing broken Arrow, and then we as well evaluated the situation and commercial roofing Tosa. And so within that we, uh, we get the, you know, we have figured out everything that needs to be known about that. So, uh, having contact with the property manager will let them know exactly what’s gone on. And now one of the last things we want to talk about real quickly before we end today’s podcast is that of hell damage, roof repair. Now you might not be able to control the weather and understand that, um, but you came control when you call a hailstorm comes through and pound your roof. It is nothing better than calling an advanced commercial systems where we come out for free, we evaluate, we assess your situation. And I basically, what I love to do is on a scale of one to 10, um, what number can be in the highest, what number do you think would be that your insurance company would total you, Ruth and give you a full roof replacement?
What we don’t want to see is we don’t want to see everything a company. I mean we don’t want to see an insurance company in commercial roofing broken out, come out and uh, just replaced one slope or two slopes. I hate when they do that and I hate even worse when they come out and just raw trout to do $1,200 a repairs and you have a $1,300 deductible. It’s absolutely waste of time and a waste of energy. If you’re going to call anything to be replaced, please, please, please replace the entire roof or don’t do anything at all. Um, but I’ll tell you here with advanced commercial systems, we are trained with an engineering company called Hague engineering. I tell you, I love those guys. They are top notch at studying wind damage. Studying how damage, studying the effects, studying what exactly hell does to TPO.
What the hell does the PDM would it does to metal what it does to our panel, what it does to many different types of roofs, a modified bitumen, uh, what it does to an asphalt roof because of my engineering training with Hagar Engineering, uh, in commercial roofing broken Arrow, it was what it was two and a half months ago that I met with an insurance agent or insurance adjuster and got a 70 square, um, commercial roof, flat roof, completely told from hell damage. They put a $60,000 roof on there. Um, because I went up there and found hail damage where most people would never have known what they were looking at. So it’s, it’s really a great benefit to you using and working with our roof nerves and advanced commercial systems. We all are trained with that engineering. Uh, you know, I call it the engineering roof degree because we have been fully diversed on what wind and hail damage it looks like for commercial buildings. So we are certified for inspections with that. And you can give us a call anytime at nine one eight, nine, seven three one zero one zero. Uh, it’s not rocket science. It’s roof science.
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