Here at advanced commercial systems. We know commercial roofing here and advanced commercial systems. I am the owner and founder Marty Grisham. Years ago I started uh, this roofing company, this commercial roofing company with a few specific details in mind, one of which is to be an ethical, honest company that you can trust. Honestly, some of the reasons for that is there are so many companies you can’t trust. And when you’re on the roof with guys and you see how they act and you see what they do, you’re really get a good idea. But there’s a lot of misconceptions out there. Um, you know, some people say, you know, roofing contractors in Oklahoma have a bad name. Well, they do have a bad name and there’s a reason why they’ve done bad things every, every few months. I hear the story of some residential, you know, a homeowner that hired a residential roofer to come do their roof and you know, it’s insurance money. We provide the best in the commercial roofing Broken Arrow industry.
They’ll give a $4,500 or $5,200 first check and then suddenly here in commercial roofing broken Arrow, that roofer would just lead that roof. Or just go away and they never see them again. And so the people just pocket the money and and uh, the cash, the check and they move on. And so I see that stuff happen in the lot and that’s why I want to share with you today here at advanced commercial systems. We will not do that. We, I’ve lived in broken Arrow, I’ve lived in the Tulsa area for 20 years. I have no plans on leaving. I have no plans. I am a realtor with Cim within Cohen Realtors. You can go look me up. We are settled here in the wonderful procon error community and we have no intentions of leaving at all. So here at advanced personal systems, home of the roof nerds, we want to cover some of the aspects that makes us different than other commercial roofing contractors.
The one thing that stands out, which I’ve really seen that just men need in general sometimes women need in general, people just need in life is that of mentoring and bad of accountability. Accountability is a large part of being a success in whatever walk of life you’re in. I know there are husbands that are accountability with other people so that they stay good husbands. I mean, you know how many husbands have gone out and went to the bar and began to do things that weren’t right? Right. So that’s what we’re talking about in business. We have accountability in business. We have here at advanced courses systems, every one of my roof nerds are accountable to me. They are accountable to the money they’re accountable to where they go with our company trucks, we hold them accountable in every aspect of their job. And that’s really, you know, it sounds strict, but when it comes to being the customer, when it comes to be and you, the client, you’ll actually really, really appreciate it when you begin to understand that our roof nerves do not have the flexibility to do just whatever they want to do. We love commercial roofing Broken Arrow.
We managed them, micromanage their time, we micromanage what’s going on from day to day with every aspect of the job. We are the best in commercial roofing Broken Arrow. Whenever they go up on a roof, when they climb off the roof, they’re sending us a report that we can automatically see in something called Google documents. Dougal Google documents as a real time, uh, accountability structure that we put in place where Google sheets, which is like excel sheets and Google documents, which is like word documents, allows us to be able to immediately, continually, fully been updated to keep up with what our guys are doing. We have something in our phones called timesheets. Timesheets keeps track with the gps in the phone where our roof nerves are going, what they’re doing with their day. I’ll tell you, I wouldn’t want to pay a roof nerd to go spend three hours at home during the middle of the day just because their favorite show was on or just because they wanted to see the reruns of the big fight or the super bowl.
No, no. I want our roof nursed to clock in, start work, have a plan day and be honest and ethical with me and be honest and ethical with you. And that’s the character we hire. That’s the kind of people here in commercial roofing broken Arrow that we look for. And so what else do we want from our roof? Nerves? Well, number one, we won’t roof nerves of deep character. Number two, we want roof nerds here at advanced commercial systems. This is who we hire and this is who we would expect to do jobs for you. Number two, we are roof nerves with lots of experience with commercial roofs. One of the issues in the industry, I was a residential roofers going and doing a commercial roofs and you know, sometimes they do pretty good on shingles because it’s very similar to the shingles that they do, you know, with residential homes.
And basically the majority of the time, uh, the Roofer doesn’t need to know a whole lot when it comes to shingles because it really falls down into the hands of the actual roofing crew. You know, the Mexican crew or whatever you know, is taking place. So here in commercial roofing broken Arrow, we specifically hire Rouche centers that work with us that have accountability. You have character and then have tons of experience. Now what is their experience needing to entail? One flat roofs. We are passionate about flat roofs and were highly educated to make sure that our roof nerds meet approval, prerequisite of information and knowledge and experience concerning commercial roofing. Now another thing that we do, once we hire a roof nerves, we immediately get them set up to go down to get training with the engineering company that we talked about all the time.
There is a commercial roof engineering company that specifically, uh, takes care of just thousands a year, literally thousands upon thousands of buildings every year throughout the nation that are having between wind damage, hail damage, other types of hurricane damage, tornado damage. And so this engineering company is specifically designed to go in and do forensic data on what took place in the storm, how high the winds were and honestly, uh, in commercial roofing, broken Arrow that overlays to us so that we become under their heading certified with an Engineering Company for commercial roof storm damage. That’s what we do. We do it day in and day out. And so once we hire a roof nerd here with advanced commercial systems, uh, you know, it doesn’t matter whether they’ve worked with another roofing contractor, a commercial roofing contractor, a commercial roofing company, doesn’t matter who they worked for. We’re going to send them to hake engineering for a half of a week class this just day in and day out.
Then extensive testing at the end of the class so that we can make sure that they are at the level of identifying storm damage that we need to everyone of our roof nerves are going through this process. It’s cost me a few thousand dollars to send them down there, but when they come back, I know we’re going to be on the same page. It is an extremely intense class from seven to eight hours a day for three days and it’s an intense class of going through detailed roofs. I’m talking literally hundreds and hundreds of roofs in three days are being looked at, are being done test models too and so that we can find out here throughout the nation and then also here in commercial roofing broken. We can really find out, so these are the things that we do day in and day out to make sure our roof nerds are highly trained.
Now here’s something else we do. Now this is going to shock you a little bit. Go on Google listings or go on the Internet and research all the commercial roofing companies in the northeast Oklahoma. You will see very, very, very few of these in these commercial roofing contractors or companies. You’ll see very few of them that actually do a 24 hour a day, seven day a week emergency hotline that if you have an issue, you have a problem. You merely give us a call and up on giving us a call, we began to work for you. We begin to assess what needs to be done, whether it’s during a storm, no matter what the situation, we begin to take care of it even if it’s in the middle of the night. Our roof nerves know that when we hire them, we’re going to send them to school to be certified with an engineering company and we are also specifically going to make sure that their own call and that they answered their phone and that it’s taken care of.
We have a backup data plan, keeps it all of our information so that when a call comes in, it’s recorded and it shows exactly what takes place so that you can make sure that, uh, if you feel like there’s anything, uh, that you need to convey to the ownership or, or anything was specific details with advanced commercial systems, you just let us know. We’ll have all the records and everything of your recorded call. So we just want to let you know here at advanced commercial systems, we go out of our way. We understand we’re only going to be as good in commercial roofing, broken Arrow as the people we hire. You know, our objective is to hire character right out the door. Listen, people don’t do that. Commercial roofers, they do, they are not looking for character. They’re looking for expertise. They’re looking, I mean know, honestly, I can’t tell you what they’re looking for.
They’re just looking for bodies, honestly, out of wood and my experience working with other companies and stuff, they’re looking for bodies to just go out and beat the street, but that’s not what we’re looking for. We are the number one, a best roofing company in the absolute total region of northeast Arkansas for commercial roofing Broken Arrow. And all you have to do is two or three things to get us. You can go on our website at [inaudible] dot com here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, and within doing that, you can click on schedule now, or you can also just dial (918) 973-1010. This is our 1-800-HOTLINE, 24 hour a day that allows you to speak directly to us. Uh, remember once again, it’s not rocket scientist through science, and please stay dry.
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