Well, we have another podcast today. He runs it with advanced commercial systems. We’re having our 92nd podcast today, so let’s just lay this out for you. For 92 weeks we have been doing podcasts for you and we have been applying these to our website so that people can, um, can see the questions that you send in and they can also just hear our responses and learn more about commercial roofing. You know, we’re finding more every week that there are a lot of roofers, residential roofers and commercial roofers in commercial roofing broken Arrow that are coming in and joining in with our side and really just picking up a lot of what we’re doing. Then roofing. And I have to say is it’s a privilege and honor to be able to be an example in the industry to so many other roofing companies. Um, you know, when it comes to getting up on a roof, we had advanced commercial systems.
We, we have lots of experience of how to get on a roof, whether we’re doing by, you know, multiple different ways, but obviously the most important way. And, and the most common way to get on the roof is that of using the ladder. And I can tell you just my personal truck, I sometimes have up to three ladders in the truck, depending on the size, the shape, you know, whether it’s interior stuff we need to look at. And so getting on a roof is really a big part. And I’ll tell ya a of our job of what we do every single day I get on roofs, you know, you’re not going to do your job until you get up on the roof. Well, using a ladder and get up on the roof, there’s always safety precautions. There’s always having your mind straight, having a focus on what you’re doing, not trying to be on the phone if you have a phone earpiece, not being on the phone when you’re getting on the roof, but really focusing on what you’re doing because you know there’s always a potential of, of injury or accident.
And so one of the things that we specifically do here with advanced commercial systems with our roof nerves, our inspectors, our evaluators, and basically our roofers, we continually stay in contact with him, uh, upon Osha’s requirements and really the best systems available, whether harnesses, cones, a roping off areas. We really try to use the best system as possible to make sure that your experience with us is one of safety. That you see that whenever we do your roof, uh, you won’t, we won’t have accidents, we won’t have injuries in commercial roofing, broken arrow. And so as we move on here in our podcast today, um, we’re going to give you a fantastic experience. We want to give you an experience if, if you’re getting a maintenance repair, if you’re getting a sheet metal sheet, metal fabricated, whatever we’re handling for you, uh, it’s going to be a great seamless process.
And, um, we’re going to take care of the leaks. And so you just want to have any problems. And so here in Tulsa, in broken air, we specifically say that we are the Roofer of choice. We’re Tulsa is roofer of choice. In commercial roofing, broken Arrow, and we’re the choice Roofer or broken arrows, roof choice. So whether you’re in Coweta or Glenpool Jinx Waso, it doesn’t matter the city you’re in. You can be in Katusa, Sapulpa sand springs, you could be in north toll. So West Tulsa Bixby, chinks, doesn’t matter. Katusa oh here’s one for you. What about Claremore? It doesn’t matter where you’re at in this area. We want to be the commercial roofer that can bring you education were the ones that even if you don’t use us, if at the end of the day in commercial roofing broken Arrow, if we’ve made you smarter, if we’ve made you better at what you do, uh, how you take care of your building envelope, how you manage those properties that you take care of.
If we can make you better than we’ve done our job because whether we’re making you better or your roof, one or the other, we want to, we want to affect people and we will not just create change in the lives of people. So, and so when you go to call us at (918) 973-1010 you found out pretty quickly from the get go that we’re going to take care of you. We’re going to, we’re gonna of, you’ll be impressed when we’re done and you don’t waste time when you contact us. We have an impact on the people that we interact with because we’re passionate and we’re the one stop shop for the Tulsa roofing. So we’re the one stop shop for a broken Arrow roofing. And so your needs will be addressed, your needs will be taken care of, and all your concerns will be taken care of in a timely manner.
So just keep in mind and realize it as we’re doing your roof, as we’re giving you evaluations, as we’re doing the things we do, we try to make it seamless and we’re trying to make it the, when we’re done, you have the highest quality experience possible. You’ll be blown away by what we do for you. And then also at the same time, you’ll come out and say, Hey, this is the best roofer in broken arrow. This is the best roofer until so, uh, we, we highly recommend them. You know, we have with our company over 106 reviews right now that’s more reviews than any residential roofer or any commercial roofer in the entire northeast of Oklahoma. And because we have a lot of clients, we have a lot of work that we do and we simply say to our clients, if your experience was good, uh, if, if you, if you, you know, would like to share with others, you know, the experience that you’ve had with us, hey, please just go on our Google listing, leave us a review in commercial roofing, broken Arrow with advanced commercial systems home with a roof nerds.
And when you do that, you’ll see there’ll be different opportunities for you to be able to say different things. But I tell you a genuinely a, we always have a great experience with our clients. And even when we put on a brand new roof, we just had a client call us. What was it yesterday? Today, he’s called us yesterday and say, Hey, you just put a roof on for me. I just had a leak with the writing that we had. They weren’t upset, they weren’t angry. They basically, we let them know beforehand, there may be a leak, you call us, we come out. So, um, it’s, it’s, you know, we give a full warranty depending on the roofing system that we use. We give a full warranty and you call, we answer and we come back out and we find the issue and we take care of it.
It’s just like anything in life, any construction in life, there’s always some challenges that need to be taken care of, post job. And so we do those and we are glad to uphold the warranty that we provide. Um, we, we take on 100% capacity of what we’re capable of doing, uh, in doing so whether we’re taking care of your business, whether we’re taking care of your, your building, your roof, whatever it is, and we try to focus on finding the opportunities that allows us to not be distracted. Um, with just different types of solutions. We really tried to focus on what works and what works in your budget. There’s two things there. What’s working in commercial roofing, broken Arrow and what’s working in commercial roofing, Tulsa. And in doing so, when we do that, we trying to find you know, where your budget’s at and that we’re not trying to ask you, hey, are you capable of spending $50,000?
And because if so, then you’re, your normal roof is going to bring on bring your normal roofer. We’re bringing an estimate for 49,000, $900. If he hears that you need, you know, if you can do 50, no, we, we don’t want, we don’t care about your money amount at first. We bring you multiple options knowing that if you have low budget and mental budget or high budget, we bring three options at least for you so that you can understand where we’re coming from that we want to put the, the genius behind what we do is really just wisdom that we want to hand to you in commercial roofing, broken arrow. So that 100% of your capacity and making the decision is taken care of. And so there’s, we wouldn’t make a broad distinction between us and the other roofers. The other roofers, they don’t have the reviews.
We do. They don’t, they don’t do the amount of work we do. Now. I know they do a lot, but sometimes they go to other cities, they go far away. We’re the local, this is where we are. I’ve personally been here for over 20 years and so having been a local resident, I live in broken Arrow right now. I’m a part of broken Arrow, commercial roofing. And so in doing so, uh, we had advanced commercial systems. Uh, we won’t appoint you continually to our website. Our website is okay. Roof nerds.com and in doing so, you’ll see at the top of the page are 800 or our 24 hour number, which is (918) 973-1010. When you click on that number, when you call that number, um, one of our staff, one of our roof nerves or one of our, our indoor in house staff, they answer the phone and you’ll see from the very beginning the level of expertise that we offer you.
And there’s practically no roofing question and no roofing system that we can’t answer for you. So you give us a call or you can just click right next to that phone number on our website and okay, roof nerds.com you can click on our Facebook link. Now when I click on the Facebook link, it takes me to our, uh, you know, Tulsa roof nerds, advanced commercial system, a Facebook page, and in that Facebook page, in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, you see pretty quickly the jobs we’re doing, the jobs we’ve done, you see some posts, successes, and, and, and, uh, you know, successes during the job being done. And in doing so, the free roof evaluation, you can see some highlights of what that’s about. Um, just uh, just recently we replaced the roof from the insurance company job and in doing so we found out that there was hell on the roof by inspecting them.
Now we are certified inspectors with an engineering company. So with that, uh, you know that you’re getting someone that really has some science. There’s some, there’s some roofing science that we apply to what we do. There’s roofing the science that we apply to our every day work lives. So schedule us today, give us a call for a free roof evaluation and estimate in commercial roofing broken Arrow, and we would love to help you. We’d love to come out and take care of you. Whether it’s a built up, roof, metal roof, single ply, modified bitumen, steep slope, low slope, you know, roof coatings. Doesn’t matter what time of roof it is. We want to bring product knowledge to you. We want to bring a technical expertise. If the other guys doesn’t have, don’t have, we want to bring a smart solutions like our smart roof plan. We want to bring the systematic plans. And so th the the meet your budgeting. So he gives a call here at advanced commercial systems home with the roof nerds in broken Arrow, commercial roofing and, and, and commercial roofing, broken Arrow, just the same. So I’ll give us a call and we will help you. Once again, thanks for joining it into another podcast today. It’s not rocket science, it’s roof science and stay dry.
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