Here at advanced commercial systems, we are endeavoring in every way to give the best, highest quality a commercial roofing. And so what does it take to be a really, really good commercial roofing company? Well, one that has accountability with their clients. One that has transparency with the work that they do and the things that as I do, and then also one that honestly just gives him a, in my opinion, has a great record, uh, with other people and the roofs they’d done for them. And so over time, one of the aspects that we look for is the different aspects of how roofs get damaged. And so within that there are a lot of different things that we look for in commercial roofing, but one of which is known as Mother Nature. Weather is really, it’s the earth’s atmosphere including temperature, wind, humidity, cloudiness, very metric pressure, precipitation, whether itself and Mother Nature. We are the best in commercial roofing Broken Arrow.
Um, they can bring you hell. Now hell normally is formed with thunderstorms, uh, here in commercial roofing broken Arrow or just anywhere that you are and throughout the planet, uh, there are energetic thunderstorms and when they form inside those that can be large in large land masses, in temperature climates, especially for that, like with the in North America where we are. And so, uh, where does hell come from? Will hail is produced when these really high energetic thunderstorms, they have an updraft and it brings ice and cause turns cold water in the ice. And that ice begins to make hell. And as that hell, uh, is, it becomes a hell stone and literally starts as it is a colonel and B, it’s really starts from that of a raindrop, but frozen raindrop in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, and then a layer of ice forms on the Hillstone.
Every time it goes through the cycle of being sucked back up and lowering back down because of the updraft of the Hillstone. And so there, that’s why you see, when you look at a health stuff, you can see there are kind of like milky colored, you know, um, uh, layers of ice, uh, and those are coming when they’re formed the way high up in the cloud. And so there’s also thick layers of clear eyes and that’s formed when the hell storm is in the low level of the cloud, in the lower cloud. And so, um, these updrafts, they hold up the, the hailstones until the wind of the updraft no longer can support the size and the weight of the Hillstone. And so when it comes to hell stones, uh, you know, we at, uh, advanced commercial systems, home with a roof nerds here at commercial roofing, broken Arrow, we have focused a lot on the study of health stones.
There’s different aspects of stones. How are they formed? You know, most hell stones on the lower end are formed between eight and 11,000 feet up. And on the upper end, they’ll go, was up as high as 50 to 60,000 feet up. So they’ll rotate between eight and 60,000 feet as the updraft updraft brings it up again. Oh, so what about the largest hailstone you ever thought about? The largest are the heaviest hell stone coffee, Voo, Kansas in 1917 had a one and two thirds pound hailstone. That thing was over five inches in diameter. Imagine the, the damage that could do to a roof to your head, to a car here in commercial roofing, broken arrow. Sometimes you want to almost wear a football helmet outside during a hell storm. Now the largest hailstone though, largest one. Now if the heaviest, it was 1.33 pounds. We, it was found in Nebraska in the year of 2003 and it was seven inches in diameter.
And now so about 40% of that had actually been broken away. So you can imagine the size of hail storm that was coming down. So, um, parallels in the thunderstorm path stretching forth. Um, many times the traveling is from the south, uh, west to the northeast. And so normally one mile wide and sometimes you between four and six and seven miles. Uh, [inaudible] is, is the storms, the typical health swatch that you hit you where the areas that hails hit because of the updraft no longer being able to uphold the hill and then it causes us to hell to fall. And so many times it’s almost like if you see a map, you see this, this long oblong shape on a map. That’s the called the hail swath, the area in which the Hale I had failed from a particular storm. Now when you get to here, uh, you know, commercial roofing, broken Arrow, when you get to look in that though, no Washington, the weather service, the National Weather Service, um, they record only severe hail, which is defined as hell, which they normally say one inch or larger.
It used to be three quarters of an inch, but in 2010, uh, because of, you know, different types of research and stuff, they’re now concerning the calling and labeling. Severe Hail is that hail that is one inch or larger. So there’s different variances. Inhale, like health sides. You know, if it’s less than a quarter of an inch, or we call it p, if it’s a half an inch in that, in that area, we call it marble. If it’s three quarters of an inch, we called it dime one inch, quarter one and three quarter inch golf ball, two and three quarter inch baseball and four and one half inch. We call that a softball. And then also keep in mind at about 60% of the hail is spherical. Meaning is, it’s just shaped like a sphere. So not all of it is, but about 60% of it is. Now, have you ever seen just like a bunch of bunch of marks on the fence or, or your maybe your grill outside after a hail storm or even in your sidewalk?
Uh, I remember a few years ago we went to Coweta. They had a really large hail storm there. Could Weda and uh, you know, commercial roofing, broken arrow. We loaded up here to vast commercial systems. We went out there and you could literally see holes there. The yards had holes in them, like someone come through and shot it with a large caliber machine gun. And this where the hail hit so hard, it just made holes, the whole yards and fields were kinda dug up. So you ever see like what’s called a splatter Marcus bladder mark is where the hell comes down at an angle and can hit like a fence or something. And when it does, or I see it a lot on h vac units on the top of buildings, but when it hits it kind of, it kind of, um, it kind of crushes a little bit and splatters and it kind of makes a smear mark when it does that.
And so those are called a splatter mark. Now here’s some terminology you may have never thought you were going to hear. Uh, you know, as far as we’re concerned here in advanced for commercial systems, uh, here in commercial roofing, broken Arrow, have you ever seen hail fog? Hell fog is when there’s been a lot of hail that’s fallen and laying on the ground. And while it’s melting, it’s creating condensate. He’s creating a fog. So you actually had this very low level line fog. It doesn’t go real high, but it’s normally very low level that is created from hail. Very interesting isn’t it? And by the way, just want you to understand that hail, it hits everything. There is nothing excluded from Hale and many times you have on the windward slope or the leeward slope, you know, the direction that the hail is falling. Um, it’s normally falls the predominant direction because of the wind.
The wind will push it and cause it to move a certain direction. Um, so once again, splatter marks, dance, uh, fractures in materials. These are all the things that helps us determine that hail has fallen if we were not there when the hail did fall. And then even at the same time, you know, the size and the hardest of the hail, uh, the fall direction, the frequency or the relative age of the hail, uh, of the, of the hell fall. These are all aspects that we take into consideration and much of that is many times shown by the splatter marks. We really study splatter marks. Uh, when you see a splatter mark, normally the splatter mark, um, is normally about, uh, the two thirds, the size of the hail that hit. And so you can always do some measurements from that and see. Um, and so then there’s some new measurements as far as we take the dip size.
Um, if you’re looking at an HVHC unit, we take the dent size and we divide that by 8.8 and normally tells us the size of the hail. I said, we’re talking about how we have worked with an engineering company and we have learned here in commercial roofing, broken arrow. We’ve learned a lot of the different aspects and a lot of what they do and have studied hale and come up with tons of information concerning how hail calls roof damage. So you can be a TPO, a mod bit of built up roof thing. We just got our insurance company to replace a roof, a modified, I’m sorry, a built up roof just uh, back in just a three or four months ago from, from hell hits. And so having studied hale, have an ex, uh, working with experts in the industry, knowing how to recognize hale.
That’s a very large part of what we do here to vast course with systems. If you need us for anything, thanks for joining us on another podcast today. If you need us for anything, please go to our website. You can give us a call at (918) 973-1010. Reach out to us. Let us know what we can do for you. If you have anything that, uh, any podcast here and commercial roofing broken Arrow that you would like to see us cup before you give us some topics that you’d like us to cover, we would love to take care of that and do some of this one specific podcasts that could cover the things that you specifically want to. So, Hey, we appreciate you here with advanced commercial systems. Have a good day.
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