Thanks for joining another podcast with advanced commercial systems home with a roof nerds. There’s nothing locker, a roof nerd and just nothing like having a roof nerd in your life. What is a nerd? A nerd is specifically defined as uh, uh, a technically skilled professional with a heightened knowledge of the, of the specific trade and technical skill that he’s in. So basically an expert in the field that he’s in, that’s what a nerd is and that’s specifically what we call ourselves. We call ourselves the roof nerds because we are, we are experts in the field of commercial roofing in the very technical field of commercial roofing and here with advanced commercial systems, a commercial roofing, Tulsa commercial roofing, broken Arrow, all the different aspects of who we are, you know, now we have two locations. We have one off of between 91st and the hundred and first, uh, in elm in broken arrow.

And then we have one overriding next to whole foods in Tulsa, uh, off of Peoria, their 41st and Peoria, Justin there next to whole foods. And because one of the big things that we take care of so often here with advanced commercial systems is roof repairs. Today we’re going to go over some of the, some of the common, uh, issues that we see that many times calls roof leaks for commercial buildings. Um, as a commercial roofing company, as experts in the industry, the roof nerds, uh, we make sure that our technicians know what the heck’s going on. We, I send them to an engineering company, um, that specifically trains them and test them for three days concerning commercial roofing systems to make sure they understand the system, how the systems are put together, they understand the composition of the systems. It is a extremely in depth training class that that takes them through wind and hail damage, how to identify it, how to talk with insurance companies about him.

It is a really great class and that’s, that’s their first step to become an a Ruth nerd with my, with my team. Um, lot of times our roof nerves, they’ll show up in commercial roofing Tulsa and they’ll, they’ll, they’ll be required to do repairs right on the spot, right on the spot repairs sometimes is, is one of the biggest things that we really offer and that’s part of our 24, seven, uh, emergency, uh, you know, leaking roof team. And so, and then we’ll also just following up, just following up with you after that is a really big part because I know over the years one of the things I’ve loved doing the most, uh, and it seems monotonous to some people, but to me it really seems to just put the icing on the cake. The cake is to come out and make a repair, make elite, go away.

The icing is to show up during the next big rain, which I do this all the time. I show up during the next big rain after about two or three hours of good rain and I walk into the building and say, hey, just come by and see how that leaks doin to see how that roof repairs doing. And uh, I can see for myself it’s not leaking. And so, you know, sometimes we’re working with businesses that are renting properties from property managers and there’s all kinds of confusion. There’s all kinds of, you know, they’re saying the leaks back. Well, let me explain exactly here in commercial roofing Tulsa. What I mean by that because I have so much experience in this, so I’ll come out, uh, Woo, our roof nerves or you know, one of us will be called out, especially me to come out and assess a leaking situation, emit to repair a leak.

And so we come out, it’s not raining when we see, um, a ceiling tile with a brown stain because that’s what happens to the ceiling tile and they get wet. And so then, then it drives and we can see exactly where the leak came in. Hit the ceiling tile. We measure off where it’s at on the roof. We climb up on the roof, we find the leak, we repair the leak. The next big rain comes along, it’s not leaking, but the people occupying the building, whether it’s a business or you know, whoever it is, they look up and see that Brown spot and they’re not thinking. And literally this happens a lot. They look up and see a brown spot. They don’t know if it’s wet or not because they don’t do this for a living. And they call the property manager and say, Hey, the roof’s leaking again.

Well the property manager calls me or one of my roof nerds. We come out and there’s nothing wet, there’s nothing wrong. There’s no leak. And so I’m trying to ask, you know, who was it that called? Well, she’s not here right now. Well what did she see? So it just becomes this little circle, this little, and I have to sit down and explain to everyone this, it’s not leaking. There no evidence of moisture. It’s basically the property management company needs to send out one of their guys to replace the ceiling tile and we do replace ceiling tiles so if you would like to offer that to be done whenever we come out we can do that as well with advanced commercial systems. A home of the roof nerves here and commercial roofing toll some. If you want to check us out we’d love for you to, we can see us online at www dot okay.

Ruth and then also one of the things we love to do is hear from you by giving us a call at (918) 973-1010 real quick, we’ve got just a few more minutes in this podcast lesson jump through real quick. A lot of the different types of issues that are causing that can cause a roof repairs and roof leaks. So first is get over into membranes. You can have a split membrane, you can have that just through process of time. You can have a torn membrane, you can have a cracked membrane, a witch or in the case where the lapse of the membrane are open, not welded well, they can be exposed. Now one of the things that really stands out about membranes is when they get over it and make this 90 degree turn up transition for the parapet walls or even for HVHC units, but mostly for parapet walls.

If you have a modified bitumen roof and there wasn’t a cant strip used, now it can’t, uh, can’t is basically a curved, it is a, it’s not curved, it’s a is a 45 degree block. So instead of being like a four by four completely square block, one side of it is at a 45 degrees instead of a 90 degrees. So basically it is like diagonally cutting length ways through a block or two blocks put together would make a true four by four block, but it’s like a four by four can’t strip block that causes the membrane to be able to come from the roof. When it makes that transition, that 90 degree transition to go up the wall, it only has to make a 45 degree transition. And that’s the great, great part of a advanced versus actually Richard Down to 22 and a half because it doesn’t have to do the 45 so it creates just this curved motion instead of a 90 degree 90 degree motion.

It creates this curved motion for the the membrane to protect it from damage from getting stretched or just cracking or exposed lapse. So open labs, they’re typically a sign of jobs not being done well. You know, many times workmanship not being at its best. And while these cracks in the membrane, they truly are signs also at many times of the age of the roofing system. And then you can find that material defects stand out as well. And so here in commercial roofing, Tulsa membrane issues. Like once again I said the split one, crack it exposed lapse, various reasons for, you know, tearing these roofing membranes for commercial roofing systems. They have all of these types of issues. Now let’s get over it. Quick to ponding water. I love to talk about ponding water. It is an enemy to roofs. The only enemies it’s not or some of the thermoplastics uh, the thermostats, I don’t know how well they really hold up upon in water.

I’ve got a few that I’m working on a that I continually work on and they’re not leaking in the ponding areas. They’re leaking and all the other areas. Um, but thermoplastic roofs, thermostats, thermoplastics I believe they’re going to be better than almost all of the others. One of the common roof systems, the two most common roof systems that did really hate ponding water is asphalt roofs or called a bird built up roofing B you are and um, modified bitumen roofing systems, which both of these systems for the most part are using tar products unless you’re using some of the newer products, uh, that SBS and APP offer. And so then with the modified bitumen roofing system here in commercial roofing toll, so pawn in water will begin to just deteriorate the membrane after a few years. It’s not a few months, but after, after a year, year and a half, you’ll begin to see the uh, us, uh, beginning gradual phases in commercial roofing, Tulsa of, of deterioration.

And then from there you want to move over into probably four or five years. It could definitely create some leaking and you can have some pretty serious problems. Now these are great roofing systems, like a mob mob bit when you put it down, it’s a really strong and durable. It is a great roofing system. I’ve always loved my bit, but it’s just not good for ponding. And when you get a large roof, I mean it’s almost impossible to get some ponding somewhere because there’s not much slope and you get this mod bit been installed around HVHC units and coming up to the edge of parapet walls and where are the drains located and you know, there’s not enough drains or there’s not any uh, built at Cricut areas, uh, or reverse crickets. There’s none of these things are being done and you will have some ponding areas and here are the advanced commercial systems.

I’ve got some great things to do with a mod bit pawning area. I’ll make that pond scenario last two times longer than the roof itself because there’s some great things that we do specifically for those areas. Uh, here with commercial roofing toll on want to thank you again for joining in. We’re just been covering different types of roof leaking and what, what causes us to come out and look at repairs. I would appreciate you and let you know we appreciate Ya that for joining us week after week. We uh, we have a good fan base that listens to what we do. And a on a weekly basis. These podcasts have been a great help to the community and have been a great help to us to really expand our, our vision of what we’re about and who we are as well. So, hey, we appreciate you guys joining in with commercial roofing. Tolson.