Welcome to the podcast of advanced commercial systems and welcome to the best roofing company in the Greater Tulsa area in northeast Oklahoma. We are the guys to go to. We are the go to guys that knows about commercial roofing. We know about commercial roofing replacement. We know about commercial roofing restoration. We actually have certifications for doing indie yells, no dollar limit warranties up to a 20 year. We have a 10 year version and a 20 year version. Um, there’s so many different things that we do with commercial roofing. And so that’s why we have this podcast to share with people, um, that we can do. We can do in Dale warranties for a single ply roofing. Uh, we can do India warranties, different types of material and India warranties for roof restorations. Now let’s talk about single ply roofing very quickly here with commercial roofing. Tulsa single ply roofing is basically exactly what it says.
It is a system for commercial roofing. Uh, they can be used on residential, but it’s mostly mostly build in substained so they can work with that, have commercial buildings. But when you say single ply roof and it’s exactly what it sounds like, it is a single ply that is the actual waterproofing part of the, of the roof. Everything below that single ply, which is very thin and everything below that single ply man isn’t necessarily waterproofing. It’s just basically creating an installation, creating multiple barriers that many times and substrates that many times have different functions. But when it comes to single ply roofing, we can generally categorize it in two different types. One is called a thermo set, which we’re not going to talk about much today and the other is called a thermo plastic. So here with advanced commercial systems, we are experts in commercial roofing and we are experts with single ply roofing.
Now Mule Hyde, John Mansfield, versicle, I’m naming manufacturers of TPO, single ply roofing systems, uh, even EPD thermoplastic Thermostat, a roofing systems and also the thermoplastic roofing system that’s called PVC here in commercial roofing. Toll some if you need an estimate or just basically the gathered more information for your commercial roof. Give us a call at (918) 973-1010 we will tell you and share with you all the different aspects of single ply roofing, roofing membranes that are applied in basically one layer. The single ply membranes. They come in really five basic types of ballasted fully adhered. You have mechanically fastened partially if you’re at and then also self adhered and that is a self uh, self seeming not self seeming you you still eat well the seams, it is a self sticking peel and stick a membrane. Now we, we don’t see the pill and stick the self adhering membranes very often.
And one of the main reasons why it’s just because of the cost. It’s just cheaper to go with a mechanically fastened. And it’s also cheaper to go with the fully adhered or partially adhered systems and but all of these systems, all of these single ply membranes, whether it’d be PVC or or teepee up, they all are heat welded. And that’s a huge part of the, of the success of this product that you can come in and re weld and re weld and re weld the same spot because of uh, how the product hardens up and turns back to its original composition. And it doesn’t lose its chemical bind. It’s bonding. And so then you can come back at any time and you can re weld and you solve it. Welding, heat, welding and there is different types of adhering seen tapes and then other types of adhesives, adhesives as well here in commercial roofing to awesome.
So epds, let’s talk about a real quickly does, we don’t talk about it too much if we don’t use it, we don’t see it that much but it is a rubber base membrane. It is typically black. Now we can get it in white. There’s other colors you can come in. I would completely steer people away from EPBM because there’s so many factors about it does not have the strength. Um, it does have amazing elasticity. It can reach up to stretch up to 300 times its size, but it does not have the strength. Um, everyday strength of wear and tear and Hva. See Contractors and, and painters and other people they may be getting on the roof. It doesn’t have the strength of that. Have TPO and PVC. Let’s go over a TPO. What is TPO? TPO In commercial roofing, Tulsa is basically thermo plastic, Poly Elephant.
So it is a thermo poly Olefin TPO, Thermo Paul Polyolefin Membrane. It is heat welded and it’s, it’s held together that way. We’re the PDM. That rubber based membrane is many times glued. It is adhered and held together the seams by glue and tapes. And so the heat weld in for the TPO, we heat welded the majority of the time the membrane and this membrane is most of the time white, typically white. Now you can get other color membranes with TPO, but those other color membranes you have to order certain sizes. You can get black, you can get Tan, you can get blue, you can get so many different colors, yellow, but you normally have to order a certain amount. There’s a certain amount that has to be ordered. And when you order that, um, it will obviously be more costly to do some. And most people they’re buying TPO because of the Ra reflectivity of the UV rays that the, that the product offers.
So if you go with darker colors where you’re eliminating the little bit of that thermal resistance and you’re taking in more heat than what you typically would with a white membrane. Moving on real quickly here in commercial roofing Tulsa, let’s talk about real quickly about PVC. Now this is also just because we’re talking about color right now. There’s also typically a white membrane. Um, it holds up to most chemicals. And so that’s one of the big pluses, one of the big advantages of the PVC memory. Now, so you, you’ve heard a PVC pipe, you’ve seen the white pipe sticking out of roof, you’ve seen the pipes under your sink and the kitchen in the bathroom. Um, you basically the, those exhaust or those drain pipes are many, many, many, many, many times. Specifically a PVC pipe, especially if there’s been in the last 35, 40 years.
So in the last 35, 40, 45 years, PDC has been the pipe, um, that’s been used and you see literally how you can have animal fats and grease and other chemicals and cleaning agents. All of these can interact with that PVC and not cause any damage to it is a great product. And so you put that up on the roof. Now the only thing you really need, cause you know it’s got waterproof ability if it’s, if it’s to correctly, you know, it can handle all the chemicals because it does it every single day in inside the home. But can it handle the UV rays? And that’s what we’ve found is the PVC has been specifically designed where it can handle the UV as well. And so just a real quick in your mind, look back on a roof that you’ve seen with a white PVC pipe sticking out of a boot up there.
And that’s actually PVC that’s in the sun that is reflecting and not having a deterioration because of the basic, the UV rays in the radiant barrier heat that’s created from the sun. And so it is a really strong, powerful membrane, poly vinyl carbonate. It is a great product and it is, comes in various chemical effluence and so they’re very easy to, and single ply membrane is very easy to install. And the heat weld together with the PVC entity Po, uh, they provide superior resistance, destruct two punctures and tears. And then also now speaking about PVC systems, uh, here in commercial roofing toll sup PV six systems are really designed for roofs. They’re exposed to oils, grease, different types of fuels. If you have a lot of, I don’t know, you might have a plant that has a lot of exhaust. Um, PVC might be the way to go.
You might have a restaurant that is, has a cooker that exalts to the roof, which almost every one of them does. By the way, you have to get a PVC. There’s no of the roof that you’re going to want. It’s a great product. The TPO actually breaks down the chemicals in the animal fat from cooking actually breaks down in deteriorates and almost like acid each through the thermo polyolefin, um, thermoplastic polyolefin membrane, the TPO. And so when you have areas of acid rain and, and different other acidic problems of, of acidic overflow, PVC roofs are the way to go. And so once today we just wanted to jump in real quickly and talk about EPA DM, PVC and TPO here in commercial roofing toll. So many times in the past we have talked about these membranes but it’s always good. I know we always are bringing up different aspects and new, new, uh, new parts of the systems and how they work together and, and different characteristics of what the roofs are about and how they differ.
And that’s basically what we do here many, many times with our podcast with advanced commercial systems, home of the roof in ours. Hey, we would love to hear from you if you need anything, give us a call. Our number is (918) 973-1010. We are crazy about you and your roots. If you need anything, give us a call. It’s not rocket science, it’s roof science. And we would like to share that science with you here in commercial roofing toll some, once again, commercial roofing. Tulsa is where you find this and we’re the best at what we do.
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